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//! A safe Rust crate for working with the Wayland clipboard.
//! This crate is intended to be used by terminal applications, clipboard managers and other
//! utilities which don't spawn Wayland surfaces (windows). If your application has a window,
//! please use the appropriate Wayland protocols for interacting with the Wayland clipboard
//! (`wl_data_device` from the core Wayland protocol, the `primary_selection` protocol for the
//! primary selection), for example via the
//! [smithay-clipboard](https://crates.io/crates/smithay-clipboard) crate.
//! The protocol used for clipboard interaction is `ext-data-control` or `wlr-data-control`. When
//! using the regular clipboard, the compositor must support any version of either protocol. When
//! using the "primary" clipboard, the compositor must support any version of `ext-data-control`,
//! or the second version of the `wlr-data-control` protocol.
//! For example applications using these features, see `wl-clipboard-rs-tools/src/bin/wl_copy.rs`
//! and `wl-clipboard-rs-tools/src/bin/wl_paste.rs` which implement terminal apps similar to
//! [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard) or
//! `wl-clipboard-rs-tools/src/bin/wl_clip.rs` which implements a Wayland version of `xclip`.
//! The Rust implementation of the Wayland client is used by default; use the `native_lib` feature
//! to link to `libwayland-client.so` for communication instead. A `dlopen` feature is also
//! available for loading `libwayland-client.so` dynamically at runtime rather than linking to it.
//! The code of the crate itself (and the code of the example utilities) is 100% safe Rust. This
//! doesn't include the dependencies.
//! # Examples
//! Copying to the regular clipboard:
//! ```no_run
//! # extern crate wl_clipboard_rs;
//! # fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! use wl_clipboard_rs::copy::{MimeType, Options, Source};
//! let opts = Options::new();
//! opts.copy(Source::Bytes("Hello world!".to_string().into_bytes().into()), MimeType::Autodetect)?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Pasting plain text from the regular clipboard:
//! ```no_run
//! # extern crate wl_clipboard_rs;
//! # fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! use std::io::Read;
//! use wl_clipboard_rs::{paste::{get_contents, ClipboardType, Error, MimeType, Seat}};
//! let result = get_contents(ClipboardType::Regular, Seat::Unspecified, MimeType::Text);
//! match result {
//! Ok((mut pipe, _)) => {
//! let mut contents = vec![];
//! pipe.read_to_end(&mut contents)?;
//! println!("Pasted: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&contents));
//! }
//! Err(Error::NoSeats) | Err(Error::ClipboardEmpty) | Err(Error::NoMimeType) => {
//! // The clipboard is empty or doesn't contain text, nothing to worry about.
//! }
//! Err(err) => Err(err)?
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Checking if the "primary" clipboard is supported (note that this might be unnecessary depending
//! on your crate usage, the regular copying and pasting functions do report if the primary
//! selection is unsupported when it is requested):
//! ```no_run
//! # extern crate wl_clipboard_rs;
//! # fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! use wl_clipboard_rs::utils::{is_primary_selection_supported, PrimarySelectionCheckError};
//! match is_primary_selection_supported() {
//! Ok(supported) => {
//! // We have our definitive result. False means that ext/wlr-data-control is present
//! // and did not signal the primary selection support, or that only wlr-data-control
//! // version 1 is present (which does not support primary selection).
//! },
//! Err(PrimarySelectionCheckError::NoSeats) => {
//! // Impossible to give a definitive result. Primary selection may or may not be
//! // supported.
//! // The required protocol (ext-data-control, or wlr-data-control version 2) is there,
//! // but there are no seats. Unfortunately, at least one seat is needed to check for the
//! // primary clipboard support.
//! },
//! Err(PrimarySelectionCheckError::MissingProtocol) => {
//! // The data-control protocol (required for wl-clipboard-rs operation) is not
//! // supported by the compositor.
//! },
//! Err(_) => {
//! // Some communication error occurred.
//! }
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Included terminal utilities
//! - `wl-paste`: implements `wl-paste` from
//! [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard).
//! - `wl-copy`: implements `wl-copy` from [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard).
//! - `wl-clip`: a Wayland version of `xclip`.
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/wl-clipboard-rs/0.9.2")]
mod common;
mod data_control;
mod seat_data;
#[allow(unsafe_code)] // It's more convenient for testing some stuff.
mod tests;
pub mod copy;
pub mod paste;
pub mod utils;